Childcare, preschool, and pre-K academic enrichment in Bellevue, WA
We are an Early Achievers participant!
A community-driven education experience
At Eastside Children’s Academy, we offer the highest caliber of support as an early childhood educational program and focus on the needs of individual students, families and local communities.
We believe in the value of community and we are dedicated to making sure that Eastside Children’s Academy is not just a school in Bellevue, but a school for Bellevue. This belief pervades everything we do; from our partnerships with other organizations in the community to our commitment to ensuring that each of our families feel valued and included in the culture and community of their child’s classroom.
我们是一所面向贝尔维尤地区广大家庭的中英双语幼儿园。本学校为六周大的婴幼儿到小学学前 的孩子们提供优质的日常照顾以及创新型幼儿教育。作为一所于2019年初全新开业的学校,我们 目前开设了六个班级服务于不同年龄段的孩子:婴儿教室,婴幼儿教室,幼儿教室,小班教室, 中班教室,和大班教室。
易思达幼儿园不仅仅是在贝尔维尤地区的一所学校,更是一个致力于面向社区家庭提供卓越幼儿 教育的团体。学校的老师以及各个工作人员本着尽心尽量照顾好每个孩子不同需求的原则,妥善 地安排各个班孩子的日常生活,学习;努力地做到让每个孩子都接受到充满善意的照料和丰富多 彩的学习内容。
易思达幼儿园的目标是确保每个孩子在快乐健康的环境下成长和学习新知识,从身体,心理,学 术多层面帮助孩子们塑造健康的体格,树立健全的人格,以及建立知识体系。我们设立高质量的 创新型双语课程,每个班级搭配中英文老师各一名,把两种语言同时融汇进入教学内容。其目的 在于在孩子年幼的时候就开始为他们提供良好的机会去接触到不同的语言,感受不同的文化。每 个班级日常的活动丰富多样,例如:音乐,舞蹈,绘画,手工,写字,数学,科学,烹饪等等。 每周还有三项有趣的课程外的活动:Soccer, Tumble bus, Webby Dance。 对于这三门课程,家 长可以根据自己孩子的兴趣进行选择,报名参加。
学校地理位置优越,靠近贝尔维尤市区。 距离Overlake Medical Center仅一步之遥。学校具体地 址是:1535 116th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98004。 同时,非常欢迎大家致电 (425)748-9977 随 时可以预约时间来我校参观。
Learning through exposure & exploration
We believe that children learn to explore the world around them using all five senses and begin to think in creative, often in multifaceted ways. We offer a one-of-a-kind, high-quality bilingual curriculum based on early learning standards that address multiple domains of development, academic, social-emotional, and physical.
Eastside Children’s Academy’s goal is to ensure children are growing in all the ways that enable them to be healthy and ready for school. Our extensive program is further enriched by music, dance, drama, fine arts, and extra-curricular activities, where we nurture the innate curiosity that leads to a lifelong love of learning.
Our Classrooms
We offer five full-day enrichment and academic classrooms for children starting at 6 weeks old. Each classroom structure creates opportunities for children to develop their independence through real-life activities, including caring for their environment and self. These opportunities promote self-esteem by allowing children to develop responsibility.
- Infants
- Waddlers
- Toddlers
- Early Preschool
- Preschool
- Pre-Kindergarten
Our Curriculum
Children’s interests are ignited by molding the curriculum that gives children leadership opportunities to discover new things on their own through investigation, imagination, and creativity. Our teachers provide innovative and inspiring instruction as they teach and care for all of our students during their critical, formative years.
Our school has adopted the education approach, which uses child-driven science and social studies topics, that integrate math and literacy skills, hands-on activities, and center-based play to enhance the learning experience. In addition, dedicated blocks of time for language instruction are given to encourage language mastery in both English and Chinese.
Contact Us
1535 116th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98004-3805
M-F: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Contact Us
"Our 2 years old daughter has been going to this school for around 6 months now, we are extremely happy with the school. First of all, they use the best of technologies: parents are allowed to access classroom cameras, there is also daily report system available with details of the activities of your kids, they also use fingerprint to login. Secondly, each classroom are very well organized, there is enough activities and learning throughout the day. Thirdly, the teachers are very well trained. Most of the teachers came from BH. Given the tuition fees are much lower here, I believe this is a much better value for the $ you pay. They also provide nutritious meals made by professional chef and great snacks. This saves us a lot of time and troubles. They also provide little birthday cake with specially made cakes for your kid. One more important thing to mention is most of the parents here are well educated, a lot of them are working in Tech industry. This allows good influences for your kids. Lastly, bilingual is obviously a huge advantage for your kids. But even if you don't speak Chinese at home, the kids would not be in trouble given the classroom setup."
Jane Huang